About BioRAFT

BioRAFT is an online laboratory management system. All Dartmouth labs performing any sort of biological research need to register their research with the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) for review and oversight per federal and institutional regulations. BioRAFT is our online IBC registration platform. All PIs are required to register their biological research with the IBC using BioRAFT. Please go to the IBC webpage to get more info about this process and the federal requirements.

BioRAFT is also the platform we use for all of our required institutional laboratory safety training. All lab members can login to take the training, and PIs are able to easily keep track of training compliance of their lab members for whom they are responsible.

Do I have to use BioRAFT?

Yes.  Yes, you do.  All biological research is reviewed by the Dartmouth IBC via BioRAFT.

Registering or Revising Research in BioRAFT

  1. Login to the BioRAFT system with your DND # and email password
  2. Click on your lab's tab on the left to drop down the menu for your lab
  3. Select View Lab Profile to see a summary of your lab
  4. Once in the View Lab Profile, select the "Bio" tab at the top of your profile page to get to your Bio Summary
  5. To enter/edit your information, click on "View or Update Biological Usage Summary" found within your Bio Summary box
  6. Complete or edit all relevant biological surveys
  7. Be sure to hit "certify" at the bottom of your Bio Usage Summary to go to Submit page (even for revisions)
  8. Be sure to initial boxes and then hit "certify and submit"
Download the BioRAFT IBC Registration Quick Guide, which includes
  • How to submit a new IBC registration or 3 yr renewal
  • How to submit a modification to your IBC registration
  • How to add/remove members of your lab in BioRAFT

Other fun things you can do in BioRAFT

  1. Look for relevant safety announcements
  2. Add or delete lab members
  3. Check for training compliance issues
  4. Check for IBC Approval and dates
  5. Check on the status of your lab's inspections
  6. Do required annual training
  7. And more!

If you have questions on filling out your Bio Usage Summary, please contact Erik Pietrowicz, Interim Biological Safety Officer, Director of Environmental Health & Safety for assistance.