We have discovered and are addressing the presence of loose (also referred to as “friable”) asbestos in Room 118 on the first floor in Alumni Gym and believe that it may be present in Rooms 115, 116, and 117 above the drop ceiling. Although independent testing has determined that the asbestos is contained to those offices and not a risk to people using other parts of our facilities, we understand that such news may be concerning, and we wanted to reassure you that we are proactively addressing the situation and following safety protocols.
On Thursday afternoon, March 28, tests showed that some debris that had fallen from the ceiling in Room 118 —likely dislodged by vibrations from the weight-lifting equipment on the second floor—contained traces of asbestos. Rooms 115, 116, 117, and 118 have been closed for further testing and mitigation. Coaches in those spaces have been notified and we are coordinating with them on our response.
To determine whether the state of the asbestos posed a health risk to other parts of the building, Dartmouth Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) staff had samples from the supply side of the ventilation system within Alumni Gym tested on Friday afternoon to confirm whether asbestos fibers were present in parts of our air circulation system. Those tests were negative, meaning that the presence of the asbestos is contained to those offices and does not pose an immediate risk to the safety or integrity of other parts of the building.
Because of its extensive historical use in construction, asbestos-containing materials can still be found in many structures throughout the country; however, federal and state regulations have been implemented to mitigate the risks associated with asbestos exposure, which is minimal when tightly bounded and sealed (also referred to as “non-friable”). These regulations enforce strict protocols for handling, removal, and disposal of asbestos-containing materials to safeguard public health and prevent further contamination. Beginning Monday, we will be working with Woodard & Curran, an external environmental health and safety consultant, and Alloy abatement contractors, to ensure that the material is removed safely and quickly. We will also be doing proactive checks in the rest of the building in the coming weeks.
Please reach out to our EHS staff at ehs@dartmouth.edu if you have any questions about this process.
Josh Keniston
Senior Vice President for Capital Planning and Campus Operations
Annette Chism
Director of Environmental Health and Safety