U.S. Army Corps’ Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) staff have requested Dartmouth’s assistance in investigating the discovery of animal carcasses near the southwest corner of the CRREL facility on Lyme Road in Hanover.
CRREL recently found buried animal carcasses and black plastic bags during an excavation by CRREL-hired contractors who were digging a culvert. The area is on Department of the Army property, occupied by CRREL - on land that was once owned by Dartmouth.
In light of this shared history, we are lending our support to help expedite the investigation with the expectation that CRREL will also enlist the services of an environmental consultant. The carcasses were reported to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, whose representatives have visited the site.
An initial review of relevant Dartmouth records and available water quality data gathered by CRREL does not indicate the presence of hazardous materials. This initial investigation is anticipated to take 2-3 months. Check back for regular updates.