NH National Guard Training on Feb. 13

On Thursday, February 13, Environmental Health & Safety will host a training exercise for the New Hampshire National Guard hazmat team. This is a simulation only and no hazardous materials will be released.

The exercise is expected to begin around 9 a.m. and continue into the afternoon. Please note that personnel and equipment will be visible behind Vail Basic Sciences Building as well as the back corner of G lot. The outside entrances of the breezeway between Vail and the Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center will be closed, but the breezeway will remain accessible from inside the buildings. The roadway behind Vail leading to F lot will remain open.

Activities such as this are an important part of preparing for real emergencies and maintaining Dartmouth’s strong working relationships with our local hazardous materials responders. 

For questions or concerns, please contact EHS at 603-646-1762 or ehs@dartmouth.edu.